Flow trail is on the agenda for the April 4th PROs Comission meeting! Join by Zoom @ 6pm

The City’s Trails Plan is on the Agenda for the upcoming Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission (PROs) meeting on April 4th at 6pm. Please attend the meeting in person at City Hall or by zoom.

We need your help! Click on this email link to send a pre-drafted letter to PublicComments@walnut-creek.org prior to the meeting to state your objection to the proposed flow trail in Lime Ridge.

Background on the proposed Flow Trail

The City wants to build a high-speed Flow Trail in the Open Space directly adjacent to our community. This is a bike only trail with berms, jumps, and switchbacks designed to provide a roller coaster experience just for mountain bikers. This would be one of the only legal flow trails in the Bay Area and would attract mountain bikers to our hills from all over to experience this thrill ride.

This Flow Trail does not serve the greater community of Walnut Creek and Concord residents who use the Open Space. This trail is directed at one user group only…Mountain Bikers.

Why should you care? Do you care about increased traffic, fire risk, parking, noise, loss of natural habitats, loss of privacy, and the degradation of Lime ridge Open Space? In short, you should care.

This Flow Trail is not in the best interest of our community.  Mountain Bikers do not stay on legal trails, they carve out new trails and cut up the hillsides. It is guaranteed they will go off trail and carve more illegal trails in Lime Ridge, using access points from within adjacent communities. The Flow Trail was proposed without any collaboration or input from the communities that surround Lime Ridge. Those of us who are the most impacted were omitted from this process. 

We need you to write to the PROs commission to reject the dangerous Flow Trail proposal. It will make a big difference if can attend and speak in person or by zoom at the upcoming PROs commission meeting:

April 4th @6 pm, City hall Council Chambers, 1st Floor

From a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: www.zoom.us

Webinar ID: 879 3072 4826 / Passcode: 558236.

Prior to the April 4th meeting, click on this email link to send a pre-drafted letter to the PROS Commission at PublicComments@walnut-creek.org.


Flow Trail Survey closes on Jan 5th!


Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation comes out against Flow Trails!