What People Are Saying


“Please retain the no-bike trails and rules as they presently exist in Lime Ridge. Many bikers already ignore posted no-biking regulations and tear down single-track trails without regard to who or what might be around the next bend. Hikers should not be subjected to this danger anywhere; Lime Ridge in particular attracts many families with young children, heightening the risks.”


“The area is open space and not mountain bike park. Many bikers not only damage the preserve but ride on private property adjacent to it.”


“Why ruin our preserved land with fast moving mountain bikes? Trails would be unsafe for hikers.”


“The City of Walnut Creek has had an active cattle grazing lease in this area for fire mitigation which has been the PROS Commission Open Space Policy for more than 20 years. A bike flow trail (which is a unidirectional trail with jumps and berms intended to minimize braking) will definitely be incompatible with cattle grazing on or near such a trail. The City will have to cancel their long-time cattle crazing fire mitigation contract with local ranchers. We have been told that the City has insufficient resources to manually clear the hillside directly behind our homes of tall grass and brush on an ongoing and regular basis and this has been confirmed by our experience over the last 25 years. Unknown Open Space users recently built a fire pit at the very top of the hill by the water tower. It is a fact that more users, especially users from outside of Walnut Creek, (who do not have a vested interest like we do in the long-term preservation of our hillside and fire safety) mean a higher fire danger risk to our community. We do not want to lose the cattle - they keep our homes safe! Any future promises of improved clearing by the City are dubious and unreliable given past performance and the acknowledged lack of Open Space resources. In the current climate of unprecedented fire risk, fire mitigation on the hillside behind our homes must trump construction of a thrill ride for mountain bikers!”


“What we have left of our beautiful hills should be protected from everything!!! What is the city thinking!!!! PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS!!!!”


“Stop this outrageous biker 'Disneyland' intrusion into our precious protected environmental habitat. So extant options already for bikers, many hardly used. I vote NO to this biker plan!”


“This is an ill-conceived plan which will bring about more damage to our Open Space. Open Space is to be protected, not turned into a mountain biking park/destination. Why would the cities of Walnut Creek or Concord want to attract more people to our precious Open Space? Why would we want to create a new destination for bikers from all over the Bay area? How is that in our community's best interest? This plan does not take into account the needs of other user groups and was developed without community input. Open space needs to be protected for today and for future generations.”


“Please protect our open space!! Please do not add these flow trails. I have great concern for our local wildlife and plants and the impact bikes and people are already having on their habitats. Adding more trails will be detrimental to wildlife and plants in our open space. If more trails are needed in the Bay Area, please explore all the available options!”


“Please protect and preserve this open space. There are many wild species that call Lime Ridge home. There are plenty of bike trails including beautiful Mount Diablo that bikers have access to. California is experiencing extreme drought conditions and the increase risk of fire is a real concern for residents. Please respect the residents and protect our open space.”


“We need to preserve our beautiful mountain for future generations... not use it as a thrill ride for mountain bikers. Hikers already use it to enjoy nature they don’t need designer trails which are proposed mainly for mountain bikers!”


“According to the current plan, this unidirectional, bicycle-only Flow Trail will be directly connected and cut off the current single-use only Timberleaf Trail, which is a local single-use trail for homeowners that exists at the end of our small, private cul-de-sac. There is extremely limited parking on our small cul-de-sac and even though the “official” staging and parking areas for the first phase of this bike park will be at Arbolado Park and Boundary Oaks, some bikers will skip the arduous trek uphill by parking on our street and taking a shortcut to the start of the more thrilling part of the pump-track. I am an original homeowner on Timberleaf Court and the agreement with the City of Walnut Creek in 1996 prior to the transfer by the developer of the Rancho Paraiso tract of Lime Ridge to the City was that the narrow Timberleaf Trail would be only for pedestrians, dogs on leash and equestrians. No bikes were to be allowed and the trailhead was to remain unmarked at the end of our cul-de-sac for privacy and safety reasons. Dan Cather and the WC PROS Commission agreed that broader use was inappropriate and this was stated in the recommendations recorded by the City at that time. Any change-of-use of Timberleaf Trail to accommodate mountain bikers is in flagrant violation of that agreement. There is no good reason for locating this bicycle pump track on the very periphery of the Lime Ridge Open Space so close and with direct access to quiet and private cul- de-sacs in Rancho Paraiso and Montecito/Crystal Ranch. As the only legal Flow Trail of its kind in the East Bay - it will be a magnet for BMX and other mountain bikers from all over the Bay Area, causing traffic, safety, fire hazard and privacy issues to our quiet neighborhood and damage to the pristine hillside and wildlife directly behind our homes.”


“I regularly hike in the lime ridge area and people on mountain bike continue to ignore rules of which trails they’re not supposed to go on. They even go off trail and destroy wild life. If this extends it will bring more people so there will more destruction of wildlife as well as waste left behind as there is only a trash bin in the parking lot.”


“This was a sleazy attempt by the city to jam this through without letting the local neighborhood that would be impacted by this know about it. There is a lot of open space that is nowhere close to houses where a track could be built. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to choose to build it right behind Rancho Paraiso instead. There are also many existing areas that mountain bikers can ride. To choose to build a new trail and negatively impact local wildlife, create a potential fire hazard and to destroy the privacy of homeowners when there are plenty of alternative approaches is unconscionable.”


“I am sure a better plan can be made to keep the beauty of the hills, and protect the homes that are in the area.”


“This trail is quite ill-considered, but the worst aspect is the City’s failure to notify or consult with neighboring residents. Very poor management indeed.”


“It does not seem that the issues identified with the current trails will be solved by this proposal. Those issues will remain unchanged. What will change is that there will be a new trail attracting new bikers. Furthermore, the trailhead will be in a residential neighborhood where increased traffic and parking will be to the detriment of the residents. If there is truly a problem with the existing trails, then enforce existing regulations on those trails. If there is truly a need for a new biking trail, then place both it and its access (including parking) at a location away from a residential area, perhaps directly off of Ygnacio Valley Road.”


“We do NOT need any more biking trails in this area. Just make the existing ones safer and make sure the bikers follow the rules.”


“This is an example of a rushed plan without the proper research and consideration. There are many other areas to create an access point to bike trails. MANY. Proposing one at the end of a court in a neighborhood that does not have through access is not only careless but dangerous. We are already dealing with traffic and speeding issues on both sides of Arbolado Dr including the area in front of Arbolado Park where children are always present. And not to mention the impact it would have on the residents on Timerberleaf Ct.”


“Limeridge use to be one of my favorite places to hike. It is both close to my house, peaceful, and beautiful. I no longer want to hike there because of all the bikers. I have no problem sharing with them the trails that are designated for cyclists and hikers, but they are all over the small trails that are for hikers only. Most of them are going so fast that I barely can barely scramble out of the way. And it is not just an occasional one on the hiking only trails, it is one after another constantly. I am afraid that one day a bike will hit me full on, and I will be seriously injured. Plus they are adding to the erosion of these narrow trails and tearing them up. I would prefer that bikers are banned on Limeridge instead of giving them more trails. Giving them a trail of their own is not going to stop the bad behavior, it will just encourage it, and bring even more bikers out to the area where they will continue biking in off-limit areas. Again, don't mind sharing trails with bikers, but only if they follow the rules also. Since they don't, I don't want to give them any more encouragement to use Limeridge as their own personal bike park.”


“The lack of resident engagement in the process coupled with the unintended consequences of creating a biking-only trail in an area of open space in such proximity to a residential neighborhood demonstrates a blind spot in the WCPROC planning process. Given the acknowledgment by WCPROC that enforcement and proper use of mountain bike trails are an issue, we urge WCPROC to weigh the serious impacts of this proposal and develop a more thoughtful plan to add mountain biking trails that do not negatively impact hikers in the area, resident safety, and quality of life.”


“Open space is to be preserved for future generations, not sacrificed for irresponsible "fun" labeled recreation. Traffic and fire danger are critical in this area - these are serious issues! We are opposed and will litigate if we must.”


“DeVito Equestrian Center STRONGLY OPPOSES this bike trail! closing this trail to hikers and equestrians will have a direct negative hit on my business and the entire Equestrian Community in Walnut Creek.”


“Not only your area, the invasion of Bikers in Lime Ridge has intimated many hikers and they are no longer able to hike the hills they have hiked for many years. I live in Crystyl Ranch and they have invaded the area and made it extremely unpleasant to hike. These cyclists are inconsiderate and bike on single track trails and do not respect the concept that cyclists are supposed to yeild to hikers. Fat chance.
The parking at Montecito has become a joke. Cyclists parking their vehicles where no parking exists!!!! What a sad day that the lobby of the cyclists has become so strong they can intimidate the people that want to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the area that they have enjoyed for many years. I thoroughly reject this proposal that contributes to more erosion and the need of the governing bodies to further restrict where we can hike because the cyclists have destroyed the existing environment.”


“Living directly below the subject flow trail I highly object to this proposal and will take legal action if necessary to protect my home.”


“Apparently, mountain bikers have caused damage to sensitive plants and erosion on existing trails in Lime Ridge Open Space. Rather than dealing directly with the problem, the city is proposing to move the problem to our area. There are better options for trail access and trail routing that would minimize adverse impacts on our community.”


“Strongly oppose this proposed project which is being decided without any input from or consideration of the impacted neighboring community.”

“Mountain bikers often ride with no concern about the safety of pedestrians sharing their trails. Many people walk with their children and/or dogs in this open space. Please do not open this up for this kind of danger to pedestrians.”


“Having these mountain bikers sharing the same trails as hikers is dangerous to both. I have almost been run over by the bikers since they seem to think all the trails are theirs.”


“We are always so concerned about the open spaces and preserving our beautiful nature and then our politicians and government authorities decide to turn their backs on the natural resouces and nature. In addition these bikers will be harassing the ranchers cattle. This project should be abandoned and never brought up again.”


“I hike here frequently and thought Lime Ridge was to be preserved as a sensitive habitat. I now learn the bikers want to change that. It is extremely dangerous to be hiking on a single track trail with one or more bikers barreling down behind me. Further, asking to expand all trails to cyclists is rather redundant, they already do use all the trails and pay no mind to signs that say No Bikes. Please do not expand all trails to the bikers. Instead see to it that they stay on their designated trails, which many of them refuse to do.”


“Arbolado dr. and park is already mismanaged concerning traffic and parking due to soccer. It is only inevitable someone will be seriously injured or worse in the future. Stop further short sightedness!”


“Not only will you increase the risk of wildfires as bikers gather for a social smoke but the litter along the trail would build up. The bikers are riding so dangerously fast around hikers and some have young kids. Too many people up there already, bobcats and coyotes are coming into our neighborhoods as their space and hunting grounds are being carved up.”


“While I do not live in Concord or Walnut Creek, I have boarded my horses on North Gate Road since 1992 and often ride on Lime Ridge. I am concerned that horseback riders, hikers, and family groups from nearby neighborhoods would be displaced by the construction of a flow trail in this park. In addition, a large portion of Lime Ridge is designated a wildlife habitat. It's hard to see how a flow trail fits in with a wildlife habitat. Please consider all options carefully and seek input from all affected stakeholders before making a decision.”


“The mountain bikers are already too excessive in the Limeridge Open Space. I’ve nearly gotten hit by bikers multiple times, that were going way too fast around blind curves. The bikers should be banned from the trails that hikers use! Limeridge is my neighborhood so I hike there frequently.”


“I am not opposed to multi-use trails including bikes on Lime Ridge. In fact, my husband is a mountain biker and has riden these trails for years. However I am opposed to building "a terrain-induced roller coaster experience" that would exclude other uses on space that was designated as open and protected. The city has not been open and forthright about this project, and it is disingenuous to suggest that the proposed project meets that PROS goal to "Allow on Open Space lands, only facilities, structures, and activities compatible with conservation, preservation and education." Nor do I see this as compliant with "safe, sustainable, and environmentally friendly use," given one of the justifications is the current environmental damage and erosion existing bike trails have caused. I also haven't heard or seen anything about an environmental impact report.”


“I haven't finally made up my mind about this project yet, but I'm definitely opposed to the sneaky process the City of Walnut Creek took to come to this decision. Silently working together with an interest group without sharing it with the affected neighborhoods and then pushing it through. Also, once the bike park is there, what happens when the next interest groups wants a piece of Mount Diablo for their amusement? Was the local chapter of the Sierra Club or any other environmental organization asked for their input?”


“I am very concerned about the environmental impact, the increased traffic, and financial risk to the city. What financial upside does this have? I only see the costs involved. Where has a flow trial been previously developed and what has been the impact to the surrounding communities? Isn't this protected open space?”


“I am a 28 year resident of Walnut Creek and a 20 year resident of Rancho Paraíso. I am vehemently opposed to the bike flow trail for a number of reasons including but not limited to proximity to our neighborhood, access from Rancho Paraiso, traffic flow, parking, increased crime, and protection of the Open Space. Moreover, I am offended that the commissioners of PROS feel that they have “completed” an impact study without taking into account the impact on the residents of Rancho Paraiso.”


“These new Flow Trails and the number of bikes that would be on them will be very destructive to the wildlife and flora. I strongly oppose this! I think the current number of bikes should be limited. Even now, as I hike the ridge I have almost been run over by bikes traveling very fast. permits are required for camp and park use. they should require the same to limit bikes on trails.”


“I am a resident who will be directly effected by this new trail, and I am very concerned about this proposal. I am also appalled that this decision was made with absolutely no communication with nor input from residents.”


“We were told our open space was designated as a reserve an area that would never be developed. Horses and hikers should have this land left as open space.”


“It is irresponsible of the city of Walnut Creek to even consider such an intrusive paths that is an abuse of the environment, not to mention a safety and fire hazard for residents, hikers and equestrians.”


“I am strongly opposed to adding a bike/hike trail entrance in our private neighborhood and am schocked that Park, Rec, Open Space Commission has the audacity to request something so dangerous that violates the residents HOA community bi-laws and our families safety. There are plenty of public park trail entrances easily accessable Considering to add this ridiculous trail is not only redundant but it puts our children, pets, exercisers and wildlife in danger while exposing our homes to strangers who will park on our streets, leave garbage and disturb our quiet private moments.”


“As someone who has enjoyed the peace and quiet of this trail for many years, I feel that opening a new trail would make it more crowded and noisy, and would scare away the wildlife we enjoy quietly observing.”


“I both mountain bike and hike the trails, and this trail is a very bad idea. This is not the right place for such a trail.”


“I'm against losing this trail to bikers. We need more hiking and equestrian trails not less. The additional traffic could also create a dangerous situation around Arbolado park.”


“I'm against this particular trail not bikes in general. In skiing terms, the flow trail is like putting a Blue intermediate trail on a Green beginner slope. However those riding now in the quarry area are already on Black and Double Black diamond trails. My guess is most of them will continue to ride the quarry and adding this trail won't change that. But it will upset a lot of homeowners below it.”


“Lime Ridge Open Space should be a sanctuary for people on foot to benefit from direct contact with the little Nature still available to city dwellers that’s free of all human transport devices. Bicyclists can cycle up Mt. Diablo on the beautiful asphalt road set-up for them to share the limited number of cars that use the same road. PLEASE, leave the grassy hills safe for people to hike, run & play without fear their children will be run over by amateurs bicyclists speeding downhill without regard for people on foot!!!”


“The City of Walnut Creek should not move forward with the new bike trail. The City has not done the proper environmental impact reports,proper public notifications with local home and land owners. The City has also failed to mention that the new bike trail will create conflict with a lease agreement they have for cattle grazing/fire mitigation which has been Pros Commission public policy for 20 years.”


“I strongly oppose this trail. This will have a significant impact on our community in a negative way. This increases congestion on the already impacted areas. It creates an increased environmental impact to the creek by our homes and increases our fire danger for our community. I am a HARD NO.”


“I have already addressed a letter to the PROS Committee in which I voiced my objections and concerns to the proposed development of of flow trails for bike usage in the open space area above my home. In reviewing the proposed draft document for the project I did not observe any mention of environmental or geographic studies being made, which in my opinion should have been made and the reports attached to this proposal before it should even be considered. I also have the same concerns that my neighbors have regarding safety, privacy, traffic/parking and fire danger, let alone the impact on the wild life that inhabit this area, due to the increased traffic that this proposal, if allowed, would cause. I have already seen bicyclists on the fire access road on the hillside above my home. With the increase of bicyclists that this proposal would bring, it is not a hard stretch to say that there would be more bicyclist riding in that area. I am strongly opposed to this project and would hope that the Walnut Creek Governing Bodies would take a long hard look at this ill conceived proposal and reject it.”


“I strongly oppose this proposed bike trail expansion. I live in Timberleaft Ct. and this greatly impacts our court as well the entire community. The increased fire risk behind Timberleaf Ct. has significantly increased each passing year due to California's drought conditions. What makes matter worse is that the City has done very little maintenance to mitigate this fire risk. This trail will also greatly impact the environment and wildlife that we all enjoy seeing behind our homes. It will also attract more risk of crime due to people coming from all over the Bay Area to ride this trail. It will also disrupt our privacy. We strongly oppose it.”


“I live in the court on Timberleaf. I am greatly opposed to the proposed flow bike trail. The open space needs to be preserved. Many factors are of concern with it: fire danger, increased traffic, environmental damage, erosion, wildlife impacts. Preserve it for future generations to come.”


“I live on the small court that is proposed for expansion for mountain biking. This is a small court and I have concerns this will cause excessive parking from out of the area and other problems. Please reject this proposed trail change.”


“I am absolutely against the proposed Trail Expansion. This biking trail threatens the safety of hikers, wildlife, and the residents of Rancho Paraiso.”


“The fact that we were not made aware of this proposal leads me to believe that care to preserve our neighborhood and the surrounding hills will not be addressed by this proposal. I am definitely against it going forward.”