Critical Review of the Proposed Flow Trail in Lime Ridge

Protect Lime Ridge has carefully reviewed the environmental study issued by the City of Walnut Creek for the proposed flow trail in Lime Ridge. Our review unveils a myriad of concerns, ranging from inadequate analyses to potential legal violations, casting serious doubt on the project's viability.

Inadequate Project Description and Analysis

The environmental study falls short in providing a comprehensive and accurate project description. Key elements are omitted, and there is a glaring lack of detail regarding excavations, design plans, and enforcement activities. The actual size of the project area remains ambiguous, raising questions about the thoroughness of the assessment. Furthermore, the assessment fails to address the probable increase in bicycle activity on connecting trails, an oversight that could have significant environmental repercussions.

Flawed Wildlife and Habitat Evaluation

Dr. Shawn Smallwood, a renowned expert, highlights the deficiencies in the wildlife surveys and the assessments failure to adequately consider the impacts on various species. The document does not align with the observed biodiversity at the site, especially concerning special-status species such as the California red-legged frog and the white-tailed kite. The proposed mitigation measures are deemed insufficient, calling for a more rigorous evaluation and a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report.

Environmental Conditions and CEQA Requirements

The extended period of drought and the dependency of numerous species on riparian habitats necessitate a careful examination of the project’s environmental impacts. The failure to meet the California Environmental Quality Act requirements is evident, as it does not adequately address the risks to threatened species and fails to provide a thorough analysis of the potential effects on the diverse habitats present.

Biodiversity and Habitat Integrity

Lime Ridge boasts a variety of habitat types and vegetation, providing a haven for numerous species. The project threatens to increase bike traffic through previously undeveloped habitat, risking habitat fragmentation and deterioration of ecological integrity. The vague descriptions of project components further exacerbate these concerns, highlighting the need for a more detailed and careful evaluation.


The proposed flow trail in Lime Ridge presents a multitude of environmental concerns that cannot be overlooked. We urge a reevaluation of the project, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report and a thorough examination of the potential impacts on wildlife, habitat, and the broader ecosystem.

Protect Lime Ridge Open Space is a dedicated group of citizens and area residents advocating for the preservation and protection of Lime Ridge’s natural features, biodiversity, and the safety and accessibility of its trails.


Urgent Action Needed to Protect Lime Ridge's Unique Ecosystem!