Urgent Action Needed to Protect Lime Ridge's Unique Ecosystem!

The proposed Lime Ridge Flow Trail project has raised significant environmental concerns. With the public comment period closing on Oct 15th, we need your voice to help protect this unique and fragile ecosystem.

Pleas send your comments in opposition to the Flow Trail to vickers@walnut-creek.org today!

Here are some key issues that have recently been raised by local environmental experts:

1. Incomplete Environmental Assessment: The project's environmental impact assessment fails to consider the increased bike traffic on existing trails, which could have far-reaching consequences for the local ecosystem.

2. Endangered and Rare Plant Species: Lime Ridge is home to several endangered and rare plant species, such as the Lime Ridge eriastrum, Mt. Diablo globe lily, and Mt. Diablo sunflower. These could be severely threatened by increased bike traffic and off-trail biking.

3. Botanical Significance: Lime Ridge is recognized as one of the Botanical Hot Spots of the East Bay, hosting 10 state-wide rare plants and 19 locally rare plants. The project's environmental studies have not adequately consulted available databases on these plants.

4. Legal Obligations: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) mandates that locally rare species must be considered in environmental assessments, a requirement the project currently fails to meet.

5. Conflict with Preservation Goals: The project contradicts the 1985 Lime Ridge Master Plan, which emphasizes the preservation of natural features and resources over recreational uses.

6. Recent Endangered Status: The Lime Ridge eriastrum was designated a candidate endangered species under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) as of March 4, 2022.

7. Preservation vs. Recreation: Lime Ridge was acquired with the primary goal of preservation, not recreation. The city's focus on providing biking facilities compromises the area's unique biodiversity.

8. Alternative Locations: There are other suitable areas in the Walnut Creek-Concord-Clayton region for biking trails that would not endanger rare plants and habitats.

9. Cumulative Impact: The project could set a precedent for future developments, leading to cumulative environmental impacts that could be devastating for the area's biodiversity.

Time is of the essence. We urge you to send your email in opposition to the Lime Ridge Flow Trail project to vickers@walnut-creek.org today!

Show Your Support: If you'd like a yard sign to display your opposition to the Flow Trail, please email us at protectlimeridge@gmail.com, and we'll deliver one to you.


Critical Review of the Proposed Flow Trail in Lime Ridge


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