Sameer Advani Sameer Advani

Critical Review of the Proposed Flow Trail in Lime Ridge

Protect Lime Ridge has carefully reviewed the environmental study issued by the City of Walnut Creek for the proposed flow trail in Lime Ridge. Our review unveils a myriad of concerns, ranging from inadequate analyses to potential legal violations, casting serious doubt on the project's viability.

Inadequate Project Description and Analysis

The environmental study falls short in providing a comprehensive and accurate project description. Key elements are omitted, and there is a glaring lack of detail regarding excavations, design plans, and enforcement activities. The actual size of the project area remains ambiguous, raising questions about the thoroughness of the assessment. Furthermore, the assessment fails to address the probable increase in bicycle activity on connecting trails, an oversight that could have significant environmental repercussions.

Flawed Wildlife and Habitat Evaluation

Dr. Shawn Smallwood, a renowned expert, highlights the deficiencies in the wildlife surveys and the assessments failure to adequately consider the impacts on various species. The document does not align with the observed biodiversity at the site, especially concerning special-status species such as the California red-legged frog and the white-tailed kite. The proposed mitigation measures are deemed insufficient, calling for a more rigorous evaluation and a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report.

Environmental Conditions and CEQA Requirements

The extended period of drought and the dependency of numerous species on riparian habitats necessitate a careful examination of the project’s environmental impacts. The failure to meet the California Environmental Quality Act requirements is evident, as it does not adequately address the risks to threatened species and fails to provide a thorough analysis of the potential effects on the diverse habitats present.

Biodiversity and Habitat Integrity

Lime Ridge boasts a variety of habitat types and vegetation, providing a haven for numerous species. The project threatens to increase bike traffic through previously undeveloped habitat, risking habitat fragmentation and deterioration of ecological integrity. The vague descriptions of project components further exacerbate these concerns, highlighting the need for a more detailed and careful evaluation.


The proposed flow trail in Lime Ridge presents a multitude of environmental concerns that cannot be overlooked. We urge a reevaluation of the project, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive Environmental Impact Report and a thorough examination of the potential impacts on wildlife, habitat, and the broader ecosystem.

Protect Lime Ridge Open Space is a dedicated group of citizens and area residents advocating for the preservation and protection of Lime Ridge’s natural features, biodiversity, and the safety and accessibility of its trails.

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Sameer Advani Sameer Advani

Urgent Action Needed to Protect Lime Ridge's Unique Ecosystem!

The clock is ticking as the public comment period for the controversial Lime Ridge Flow Trail project closes on October 15th. This project poses a severe threat to the area's unique and fragile ecosystem, including endangered and rare plant species. Local experts have highlighted numerous concerns, from incomplete environmental assessments to conflicts with existing preservation goals. Send your comments today in opposition!

The proposed Lime Ridge Flow Trail project has raised significant environmental concerns. With the public comment period closing on Oct 15th, we need your voice to help protect this unique and fragile ecosystem.

Pleas send your comments in opposition to the Flow Trail to today!

Here are some key issues that have recently been raised by local environmental experts:

1. Incomplete Environmental Assessment: The project's environmental impact assessment fails to consider the increased bike traffic on existing trails, which could have far-reaching consequences for the local ecosystem.

2. Endangered and Rare Plant Species: Lime Ridge is home to several endangered and rare plant species, such as the Lime Ridge eriastrum, Mt. Diablo globe lily, and Mt. Diablo sunflower. These could be severely threatened by increased bike traffic and off-trail biking.

3. Botanical Significance: Lime Ridge is recognized as one of the Botanical Hot Spots of the East Bay, hosting 10 state-wide rare plants and 19 locally rare plants. The project's environmental studies have not adequately consulted available databases on these plants.

4. Legal Obligations: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) mandates that locally rare species must be considered in environmental assessments, a requirement the project currently fails to meet.

5. Conflict with Preservation Goals: The project contradicts the 1985 Lime Ridge Master Plan, which emphasizes the preservation of natural features and resources over recreational uses.

6. Recent Endangered Status: The Lime Ridge eriastrum was designated a candidate endangered species under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) as of March 4, 2022.

7. Preservation vs. Recreation: Lime Ridge was acquired with the primary goal of preservation, not recreation. The city's focus on providing biking facilities compromises the area's unique biodiversity.

8. Alternative Locations: There are other suitable areas in the Walnut Creek-Concord-Clayton region for biking trails that would not endanger rare plants and habitats.

9. Cumulative Impact: The project could set a precedent for future developments, leading to cumulative environmental impacts that could be devastating for the area's biodiversity.

Time is of the essence. We urge you to send your email in opposition to the Lime Ridge Flow Trail project to today!

Show Your Support: If you'd like a yard sign to display your opposition to the Flow Trail, please email us at, and we'll deliver one to you.

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Guest User Guest User

Walnut Creek Issues Highly Flawed Flow Trail Report

The City of Walnut Creek's recent environmental assessment for the proposed Flow Trail in Lime Ridge is alarmingly flawed. Despite the area's rich biodiversity and community concerns, the report dismisses significant environmental impacts. With the public review period ending on Sep 29th, it's crucial to voice opposition. Lime Ridge is not a playground; it's a vital nature preserve. Send your comments to and stand against this ill-conceived project.

The City of Walnut Creek recently issued their environmental assessment of the proposed Flow Trail in Lime Ridge. The report claims that the flow trail’s impact is minimal, and any damage can be easily mitigated. Mr. Vickers intends to move forward with construction of his project as early as May 2024.

The public review period for this highly flawed environmental impact report will conclude on Sep 29th.

Send your comments in opposition to the Flow Trail to with these reasons why the report fails to address the environmental impact of the project.

1. Misleading Description of 'Less Sensitive Habitat': The report describes the proposed Flow Trail area as a 'less sensitive habitat'. This is odd given that the area is home to several Special Status Species, including the threatened Alameda Whipsnake, Red Legged Frog, Mt. Diablo Horned Lizard, and the white-tailed kite. Additionally, the area contains rare plants like the Mount Diablo fairy lantern and Diablo helianthella. How can an area rich in biodiversity be considered 'less sensitive'?

2. No Right of Way Rules, No Safety: The proposed trail is to be open to all users, including hikers and equestrians. What happens when they encounter mountain bikers speeding downhill at 20 and 30 mph? The report fails to provide clear right of way rules or safety enforcement for this very likely scenario.

3. Trail Maintenance and Wildfire Buffer: The report states that the trail will be between 2 to 4 feet in width with a 5-10 foot wildfire buffer. Given the current state of the Lime Ridge Trail, how will the city ensure the proposed width is maintained? What exactly does this wildfire buffer entail, and who will be responsible for its maintenance?

4.No Transparency in Project Approval: Documents from the PROS commission and the Trail Committee only recommended exploring the possibility of a new flow trail. At what point, and through what public process, did this shift to a decision to build the trail? This process has been flawed from the start and lacks transparency, and there has been zero attempt to address issues raised by the surrounding communities.

5. Environmental Impact Vastly Underestimated: The MND claims a 'Less Than Significant Impact' on most environmental factors. However, with the expected influx of mountain bikers, how can you simply ignore the increased emissions, noise, or traffic congestion? Especially when similar trails in other areas have seen a significant increase in visitors, and a major public backlash.

6. Violation of the 1985 Lime Ridge Master Plan: The Master Plan clearly states that trails within Lime Ridge should remain unpaved and nothing should be developed on slopes greater than 15%. Yet, the proposed Flow Trail area has slopes ranging from 30-50%. Additionally, the area's soils are highly erosive, and landslides are common.

7. Loss of Community Support: The Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation has withdrawn their support after city staff made it clear that the Parks commission will have no oversight, and there will be no enforcement of the rules.

The reports flaws are evident. Lime Ridge is a nature preserve that deserves protection, it is not an amusement park for mountain bikers.

Send your comments in opposition to the Flow Trail to by Sep 29th, and preferably today!

Show Your Support: If you'd like a yard sign to display your opposition to the Flow Trail, please email us at, and we'll deliver one to you.

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Guest User Guest User

Community Outrage at Lime Ridge Flow Trail Meeting

Outrage erupted at the PROS meeting over the proposed Lime Ridge Flow Trail in Walnut Creek. Community members accused city staff of misinformation, lack of transparency, and unilateral decision-making. Concerns over environmental damage, safety, and the disregard for community input were ignored. The fight to protect our Open Spaces continues. Stand with us!

The recent PROS meeting on the proposed Flow trail in Lime Ridge was nothing short of a travesty. Community members arrived to discuss the trail and were met with alarming misinformation and a complete lack of transparency. Mr. Vickers, a city staffer, claimed that no further actions by PROS or City Council were required to construct the Flow trail, despite the fact that the recommendations only called for exploring the possibility, not building it.

Over 1,870 people have signed a petition against the development of Flow trails, yet Mr. Vickers is moving forward with construction with no community input. He spoke for over 30 minutes, sharing unverified information and minimizing the very real concerns of citizens. He avoided addressing the damage caused by bikers, the cessation of cattle grazing to reduce fire risk, the lack of other communities building flow trails, and the potential increase in bikers if the trail is built. He also refused to address liability issues, funding details, and the change of use of the Timberleaf trail without proper notice.

The meeting revealed a deeply concerning unilateral authority by city staff to build a trail that would violate the Lime Ridge Master Plan and city municipal codes without any oversight. The community's requests for meetings and inclusion in the conversation have been repeatedly denied. Even the WCOSF and equestrian organizations withdrew their support for the trails committee recommendations, leaving Mr. Vickers standing alone with only the mountain biking lobby.

The proposal also fails to address enforcement in Open Spaces, where renegade mountain biking has led to habitat destruction, illegal trails, and significant user conflict. Other user groups, including hikers and walkers, are being ignored in favor of mountain bikers.

This entire process needs to be taken back to square one, conducted in full view of the public, with input from the community and all stakeholders. The city council must intervene immediately to stop this travesty and protect the interests of the citizens of Walnut Creek. It's time to stand up against special interest groups and do the right thing to protect our Open Spaces.

Join the movement today and make your voice heard. Stand with us to protect our Open Spaces and demand transparency and community involvement. Email us today to find out how you can help or to get a yard sign.

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Guest User Guest User

Stand Up for Open Space: Join Us Aug 14th, 6pm at City Hall or via Zoom!

Protect Our Open Space!

Say No to Mountain Bike Flow Trail. Join us Aug 14th, 6PM at City Hall or by Zoom!

Zoom Webinar ID: 831 6154 3791 / Passcode: 684113

🔔 Take Action Now: Stand Up for Our Open Space! Join Us at the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Meeting on Aug 7! 🔔

Reject Mountain Bike Flow Trails in Lime Ridge Open Space!

Understanding Mountain Bike Flow Trails (MTBs):

Mountain bike flow trails offer an exhilarating ride, designed for speed with banked turns, jumps, and rolling terrain. Witness the experience:(Watch Now).

Why It Matters:

The City of Walnut Creek is barreling ahead with plans for mountain bike flow trails:

- Spending over $150,000 to assess trails above homes in south Lime Ridge.

- Sidestepping community input while collaborating with outside groups.

- Reviewing more trails above Crystyl Ranch and Shell Ridge Open Space.

Immediate Concerns:

🚗 Traffic congestion amplifying on Walnut Ave., Oak Grove Rd., Arbolado Rd., and Valley Vista Dr.

🅿️ Parking conundrum with planned sites affecting local neighborhoods.

🔥 Collateral impacts rippling through safety, crime, wildfires, noise, environment, and property values.

🚴‍♂️ Drawing mountain bike events to areas designated for hiker/equestrian trails.

🏡 Encouraging loitering above homes, threatening safety and privacy.

How You Can Join the Cause:

1. PROS Meeting: Be there on Aug 14th, 6pm at City Hall, and add your voice or join via

Webinar ID: 831 6154 3791 / Passcode: 684113

2. Contact Officials: Share your thoughts at

3. Email City Council: Reach out to to express your concerns.

4. Spread the Message: Request a "Protect Lime Ridge - No Mountain Bike Flow Trail" yard sign at

5. Volunteer: Stand up against planned trails by emailing to join the effort.

🌟 Let's Make an Impact, Together! 🌟

Your support is vital in safeguarding our open space. Join us on August 14th, 6PM at City Hall for the PROS meeting and be part of the movement.

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Sameer Advani Sameer Advani


🚫 Say NO to Mountain Bike Flow Trails in Our Open Space! 🚫

We're standing up to protect our cherished Lime Ridge Open Space from the potential environmental, safety, and congestion impacts of mountain bike flow trails. These trails are designed for speed and jumps, which could disrupt the serene and natural experience we value.

🔥 Collateral Impact:

🌳 Environmental Damage

🏡 Property Values

🚗 Traffic Congestion

🔊 Noise Pollution

🔥 Wildfire Risks

Join us in safeguarding our open space for future generations. Take action now:

1️⃣ Attend the PROS meeting on August 7 at 6pm at City Hall.

2️⃣ Contact elected officials:

3️⃣ Email City Council:

4️⃣ Request a yard sign:

5️⃣ Volunteer to make a difference:

Let's stand united against unwanted changes in our community. Visit our website for more info:

Together, we can preserve the tranquility and beauty of our open space. 🌿🏞️

What are mountain bike flow trails (MTBs)? 

Mountain bike flow trails are designed to optimize speed. They take mountain bikers on a terrain-induced roller coaster experience, with little pedaling and braking necessary with banked turns, rolling terrain, ladders, and various types of jumps.

To date, the City of Walnut Creek:

  • has spent over $150,000 to evaluate the construction of a mountain bike flow trail directly above homes in the hills of south Lime Ridge Open Space (see diagram below)

  • has forged forward without community input, often aligning with outside interest groups

  • is reviewing subsequent phases to include more mountain bike flow trails above Crystyl Ranch and in Shell Ridge Open Space

Parking/traffic/congestion issues in Northgate corridors:

  • Increased traffic on Walnut Ave., Oak Grove Rd., Arbolado Rd., and Valley Vista Dr.

  • Planned parking sites per the city will be at:

1)    Arbolado Park, along Arbolado Dr., and throughout all neighborhood side streets

2)    Boundary Oak Golf Course, along Valley Vista Road, and all neighborhood side streets

3)    Timberleaf Ct. at trail entrance to Lime Ridge

4)    Ridgestone Ct. at trail entrance to Lime Ridge

Collateral Impact - safety, crime, wildfires, noise, environmental damage, property values:

  • Walnut Creek will become a magnet for mountain bike training, events, and competitions

  • Per Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation, only 13% of all trails are allocated for hikers and equestrians yet outside interest groups want to infringe on these passive use spaces

  • Mountain bike flow trails will encourage users and spectators to loiter above our homes

  • More home safety/crime concerns, wildfire risks, noise, destruction of local wildlife, and deterioration of home values

The time is NOW to voice YOUR concerns!

Contact your elected officials and urge them to protect our Open Space:

Join your neighbors and post a yard sign:

Protect Lime Ridge - No Mountain Bike Flow Trail yard signs are now available. Request one at


Volunteers are needed to assist in efforts to fight the city's planned mountain bike flow trail. Email to become involved.

Together, we can make a difference. Please join us at:

  • the upcoming PROS (Parks, Recreation and Open Space) meeting on Monday, August 14th at 6pm at City Hall. The mountain bike flow trail is on the agenda. Your attendance is critical!

  • for more information on PROS and City Council meeting: 

If you have questions or need more information on our community efforts: or email us at

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Sameer Advani Sameer Advani

Flow Trail Survey closes on Jan 5th!

City of Walnut Creek online survey for a high speed mountain biking flow trail in Lime Ridge due by Jan 5th! Please submit yours today!

The city of Walnut Creek has posted an online survey for residents to register our disapproval at their high speed mountain biking trail proposal.

Click the Link below and fill our the survey by Jan 5th!

Flow Trail Survey

The City wants to build a high-speed Flow Trail in the Open Space directly adjacent to our community. This is a bike only trail with berms, jumps, and switchbacks designed to provide a roller coaster experience just for mountain bikers. This would be one of the only legal flow trails in the Bay Area and would attract mountain bikers to our hills from all over to experience this thrill ride.

This trail is being built for one user group only, mountain bikers. You get to pay for it.

Why should you care? Do you care about increased traffic, fire risk, parking, noise, loss of natural habitats, loss of privacy, and the degradation of Lime ridge Open Space? In short, you should care.

This Flow Trail is not in the best interest of our community.  Mountain Bikers do not stay on legal trails, they carve out new trails and cut up the hillsides. It is guaranteed they will go off trail and carve more illegal trails in Lime Ridge, using access points from within adjacent communities. The Flow Trail was designed without any input from the communities surrounding Lime Ridge. 

We need your help! Please fill out the survey today and tell the city to stop any further action on this dangerous and idea.

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Sameer Advani Sameer Advani

Flow trail is on the agenda for the April 4th PROs Comission meeting! Join by Zoom @ 6pm

Reject the proposed flow trail in lime ridge open space! Upcoming PROs commission meeting is on April 4th at 6pm, we need residents to speak out agains this dangerous mountain bike flow trail. Join the meeting in person at City Hall or by zoom and make your voice heard!

The City’s Trails Plan is on the Agenda for the upcoming Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commission (PROs) meeting on April 4th at 6pm. Please attend the meeting in person at City Hall or by zoom.

We need your help! Click on this email link to send a pre-drafted letter to prior to the meeting to state your objection to the proposed flow trail in Lime Ridge.

Background on the proposed Flow Trail

The City wants to build a high-speed Flow Trail in the Open Space directly adjacent to our community. This is a bike only trail with berms, jumps, and switchbacks designed to provide a roller coaster experience just for mountain bikers. This would be one of the only legal flow trails in the Bay Area and would attract mountain bikers to our hills from all over to experience this thrill ride.

This Flow Trail does not serve the greater community of Walnut Creek and Concord residents who use the Open Space. This trail is directed at one user group only…Mountain Bikers.

Why should you care? Do you care about increased traffic, fire risk, parking, noise, loss of natural habitats, loss of privacy, and the degradation of Lime ridge Open Space? In short, you should care.

This Flow Trail is not in the best interest of our community.  Mountain Bikers do not stay on legal trails, they carve out new trails and cut up the hillsides. It is guaranteed they will go off trail and carve more illegal trails in Lime Ridge, using access points from within adjacent communities. The Flow Trail was proposed without any collaboration or input from the communities that surround Lime Ridge. Those of us who are the most impacted were omitted from this process. 

We need you to write to the PROs commission to reject the dangerous Flow Trail proposal. It will make a big difference if can attend and speak in person or by zoom at the upcoming PROs commission meeting:

April 4th @6 pm, City hall Council Chambers, 1st Floor

From a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:

Webinar ID: 879 3072 4826 / Passcode: 558236.

Prior to the April 4th meeting, click on this email link to send a pre-drafted letter to the PROS Commission at

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Sameer Advani Sameer Advani

Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation comes out against Flow Trails!

“In the last few years, use of single track trails by mountain bike riders have increased dramatically. This use is not sanctioned by City of Walnut Creek ordinances but has become increasingly common. During 2020 and 2021, this use has increased during weekdays since many people have been working from home. Some mountain bike riders travel at speeds above the 15 mph limit specified by City ordinances and refuse to yield the right-of way to hikers and equestrians. As a result of dangerous encounters with such mountain bike riders and aggressive behavior including harassment, hikers and equestrians are becoming reluctant to use single track trails in our Open Space. We hear from hikers and equestrians about these concerns and we have our own personal experiences.”

In a recent letter to the City, the President of the WC Open Space Foundation, Bill Hunt, articulated his concerns with the current enforcement of mountain biking rules in the open space, and his concern with the proposed Flow Trails.

If you are not already a member of the Open Space Foundation, please consider joining today at

Bill makes a compelling case! Please read his letter below.

“In the last few years, use of single track trails by mountain bike riders have increased dramatically. This use is not sanctioned by City of Walnut Creek ordinances but has become increasingly common. During 2020 and 2021, this use has increased during weekdays since many people have been working from home. Some mountain bike riders travel at speeds above the 15 mph limit specified by City ordinances and refuse to yield the right-of way to hikers and equestrians. As a result of dangerous encounters with such mountain bike riders and aggressive behavior including harassment, hikers and equestrians are becoming reluctant to use single track trails in our Open Space. We hear from hikers and equestrians about these concerns and we have our own personal experiences.

Our Open Space is also threatened by unauthorized trails constructed by individuals. These trails carve up our Open Space removing wildflowers and other native plants. Use of these trails disturbs wildlife giving them fewer places to avoid people.

The Trails Committee report recognizes the need to address these problems. It recommends education about the value of our Open Space and the reason for rules for visitors to our Open Space. The report also recommends enforcement of the rules with citations for violators. WCOSF strongly supports education and enforcement in our Open Space.

The report also presented a proposal for a new single track trail in Lime Ridge Open Space designed for safe use by mountain bike riders. WCOSF endorsed the report including the proposal for the new trail. We hope that this will draw mountain bike riders away from using the existing single track trails near the summit of Lime Ridge. However, we are concerned that this new trail may not result in reduced bike traffic on existing single track trails but rather be a magnet drawing more mountain bike riders who then also ride on trails for which they are not authorized.

The increasing frequency of very dry years has stressed our Open Space and its plants and animals. This pattern may require changes to the way Walnut Creek manages its Open Space areas.

We urge the City of Walnut Creek to make addressing these existing problems its first priority in our Open Space. Before we proceed with the proposed bike oriented trail, we should demonstrate that we can reduce current problems before we risk making those problems worse.

WCOSF is ready to help the City of Walnut Creek in its efforts to address the concerns we have discussed through education and enforcement. Please keep us informed of your plans so that we can provide assistance and support.

We feel that mountain bike groups, bike shops and individual mountain bike riders should also play a role in education efforts. From surveys and reports from individual Open Space users, we know that efforts by hikers and equestrians to discuss rules and trail etiquette are often not appreciated by mountain bike riders. The messages also need to come from other mountain bike riders.

This letter has focused on Lime Ridge Open Space but the same problems are present in our other Open Space units. Our Open Space is one of the best things about Walnut Creek and is appreciated by our residents. We need to make sure that those residents can visit our Open Space feeling safe and comfortable and that our Open Space is not degraded by misuse.”

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Sameer Advani Sameer Advani

Coming Up: PROS Commission Meeting (Mon 8/2 @6pm)

City’s Parks Plan is on the Agenda, with big changes to Arbolado Park!

The next meeting of the City’s Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Commission is this Monday Aug 2nd at 6PM.

The City’s Parks Plan is on the Agenda. The City is proposing more changes to Arbolado Park with new Volleyball and Bocce courts, and an additional trail entrance to the Open Space.
Webinar ID: 852 9468 8879 / Password: 500630

The Trails plan is not on the agenda. However, Mountain Bikers are organizing an email and comment campaign for the 8/2 meeting in support of the Trails Plan. We cannot continue to allow Mountain Bikers voices to be the only ones heard by the City.

Please take a moment to send an email to in opposition to the proposed Flow Trails in Lime Ridge. Lime Ridge is as designated nature preserve, not a regional park. Building attractions like Flow Trails will bring thrill seekers from far and wide, and the City does not have the resources to enforce the rules! It is not a well thought through plan, as local residents that are affected by it have been excluded from the process.

Your voice matters, but only if you use it!

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